While up on thousands of roofs every year performing our gutter cleaning service, we inevitably come across a range of issues that can cause leaks and damage to a home or commercial space. The most common of these, is ridge capping that’s starting to fall apart. Generally this is caused by a deterioration in the mortar that is holding the ridge capping in place, causing water to penetrate into the roof cavity.
It is a common occurrence that is the result of continual wear and tear from the elements and thankfully, quite easily resolved.
Our team offers the highest quality roof repointing service available in Perth, utilising a quality flexible mortar product and decades of on the job experience, to ensure the best finish and result for your roof.

Why Repointing is important
- Prevents Ceiling Damage: The most obvious concern with damaged ridge capping, is that it allows water into the roof space, damaging ceilings, insulation and the electrical system present.
- Prevents Gutter Issues: One of the most common items we find in gutters, is old ridge cement that has broken off and slid into the gutter system. This of course, clogs the gutters up and can prevent water from flowing through effectively. Once again, this can cause issues with water penetrating into the ceiling and walls of the property.
- Extends Roof Life: When the mortar on the ridge begins to break down, it will inevitably cause the ridge tiles to shift and damage, not only potentially causing damage to these, but damaging the rest of the roof. Repointing is a minor expense compared to a full roof restoration required from more substantial damage.
Does my roof require repointing?
A visual test is often the best way to determine this. Can you see cracks running through the mortar under the ridge tiles? Are there any chunks missing or sitting in a way they shouldn’t be? Are there pieces present on your roof or in your gutters? If the answer to any of the above is ‘yes’, then you will likely require the ridge to be repointed. If it’s occuring in 1 spot, it’s likely to present all over the roof, as it will generally be the same age and wear.
If it’s been damaged for some time and large chunks are coming away (as it the photo below), you may require re-bedding, in addition to repointing.

The Repointing Process
- Quote: Before anything else, we will provide you with a quote for getting the job done. The cost will depend on several factors, such as type of tile, quantity of tiles, roof pitch and whether it’s a single or double story property.
- Inspect the roof: This will generally occur at the quoting stage, though we will run through again before we commence any works. We are checking the condition of the tiles and the bedding the tiles are sitting on along the ridge.
- Ridge Preparation: Old damaged mortar is removed and everything is cleaned to ensure the new mortar will adhere correctly. This will generally involved grinding the mortar back sufficiently.
- Flexible Pointing Applied: The new mortar will be correctly mixed, ready for use. Flexible pointing is the only way to ensure longevity in the finished product and is an industry standard. This will then be applied to match the profile of the ridge, ensuring a smooth and water tight finish. This can take time to get perfect and is not to be rushed!
- Final Inspection: After a curing process of 48 hours, we’ll return to inspect the work, ensuring the new poitning is holding and everything is clean and aligned as it should be.
Looking for a Quote?
We will generally provide guidance on issues while on the roof during a gutter cleaning service. We can then quote on repointing at the time.
If you’ve noticed that your roof may require ridge capping repointing, get in touch with us to arrange a no obligation, free quote. We can advise on what may be required and the best solution for your property.